

Useful materials, customer cases, and important company news.

ERP or CRM- what is the difference, and what should you choose?

We analyze the difference between ERP and CRM, and which of them will be more convenient for an IT company.
4 min. to read
Partner program

ITFin launches an advantageous referral program 🚀 Join us!

Find out how the program works and why it is beneficial.
2 min. to read
Where is it more convenient to manage the finances of an IT company?

Excel or ERP system - which is more convenient for an IT company's finance management?

The main goal of the created system is precisely to simplify the work of everyone who uses such a solution, that is, financiers, SFO, CEO and others.
3 min. to read
Clover Dynamics

Clover Dynamics. Як ITFin допомогає компаніям успішно та швидко масштабуватись?

Як ITFin допомогає компаніям успішно та швидко масштабуватись?
4 min. to read

Genuisee. Як ефективно керувати всіма бізнес процесами в вашій компанії?

Як ефективно керувати всіма бізнес процесами в вашій компанії?
8 min. to read
Designers impact

Designers Who Changed the Web

Infographic lean startup social proof incubator. Prototype scrum project learning curve strategy social media funding business model canvas direct mailing facebook ecosystem sales.
5 min. to read

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